Kolář lab at UCT Prague

HTML5 in Bratislava

published 2016-12-09

Michal Pitonak invited me to Bratislava to give a talk on sigma-holes. The Department of physical and theoretical chemistry at the Comenius University in Bratislava is world-renowned for the accurate quantum chemical calculations. They develop, benchmark and apply perhaps the highest quantum chemistry one can imagine.

 <section style="text-align: left">
   <h1>Halogen Bonds and Other Sigma-Hole Interactions</h1>
   <h3>Michal H. Kolář</h3>

That day, my contribution was sort of less sophisticated. I was talking about our sigma-hole characterizations. Michal wants to characterize a few complexes of iodine and bromine, which seems to overlap nicely with my skills. Besides science, my stay was filled with numerous discussions on ordinary life with the folks from the department. I also recalled some of the Zavis' songs.

The talk belongs to the longest I've ever given. I prepared an HTML5 presentation of almost 60 slides with a few videos and tons of figures. I must admit that the effort/profit ratio was rather poor this time.
