Two GAČR grants approved
published 2022-12-06
We are excited to announce that our team at UCT Prague has been awarded two research grants from the Czech Science Foundation (aka GAČR) to further our study of ribosomes and protein synthesis. We are grateful for the support and look forward to the coming three years.

Ribosomes are molecular machines found in all living cells. They are responsible for decoding the genetic instructions contained in RNA and using this information to synthesize proteins, which are essential for the structure and function of cells. Our research aims to deepen our understanding of the mechanisms underlying protein synthesis and to uncover new ways to manipulate and control this process.
The first grant headed by Dr. Kolář will support our computational work on large ribosomal subunit and nascent peptides. We will study the earlies moments of the protein synthesis. The second grant headed by Prof. Eliáš from Faculty of Science, Ostrava University, will fund a research the organellar translation. Our team will contribute with molecular modeling and computer simulations.